How can I place an order on Evergreen Outdoor?
- To place an order, simply browse our product catalog, select your desired items, and add them to your cart. Follow the easy checkout process to complete your purchase.
- We accept major credit/debit cards, PayPal, and other secure payment options. Rest assured, your transactions are safe and encrypted.
- Once an order is placed, it's processed promptly. Modifications or cancellations may be possible within the first 24 hours. Check your order confirmation for details.
- After shipping, you'll receive an email with a tracking number and instructions. Use this information to monitor your package's journey to your doorstep.
What is your return policy?
- Enjoy peace of mind with our 30-day return policy. If you're not satisfied, you can return your purchase for a refund or exchange. Check our Returns & Exchanges page for details.
- Yes, we ship worldwide! Shipping costs and times vary by location. Explore our Shipping Information page for specifics and estimated delivery times.
- Reach our friendly customer support team via email or live chat. Find detailed contact information and operating hours on our Contact Us page.
Are my personal and payment details secure?
- Absolutely. We employ state-of-the-art encryption to safeguard your personal and payment details. Shop with confidence knowing your information is protected.
- Our average delivery time is approximately 5 to 7 business days, excluding processing time. Factors like location and shipping method may affect delivery times.
- Yes, we offer gift wrapping for a small fee. Choose this option during checkout to add a special touch to your purchase.